Michael Luongo, LPC

Connecticut Licensed Professional Counselor

Payment Options

One area to consider when starting treatment is whether to utilize your insurance or to privately pay for services. This is a decision that people have different views about.


For those interested in using insurance, I am currently on a number of different insurance panels, including:

• Aetna
• Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield
• Cigna
• Husky A and B (not C or D)
• Magellan
• MultiPlan
• United Behavioral Health
Insurance Logos


Private Pay

However, some people question whether using their insurance is the best option. If you have questions about the best way to pay for sessions, you may want to take a look at this article written by Lyn Kelley, M.S.Ed., LMFT. She has her own company called Grow Publications and she sees patients in her private practice.

"Why I Do Not Accept Managed Care Reimbursement For Mental Health Services"

Obviously, Lyn Kelley feels very strongly in the idea of private pay. I believe that this is something that the patient should have a choice in. If you are interested in the private payment option, but are not sure that you can afford the fees, please feel free to contact my office to discuss the options.


I am also an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) provider for Solutions EAP and Comprehensive EAP, along with being an EAP provider through a number of insurance plans. In some cases, employees develop problems either on their job or in their personal life. Most employers have an Employee Assistance Program through their Human Resources department. This allows an employee to receive time-limited counseling services, which includes assessment, counseling and referrals (when necessary) at no cost to the employee.

If you would like more information on Solutions EAP, their web address is www.solutions-eap.com. You can learn more about Comprehensive EAP at www.compeap.com.